THIRD EYE provides auditing and training services in developing management systems to help you improve processes, products and services, and overall performance to ensure sustainability.
We help organizations of all sizes to perform better in quality, environment, energy, sustainability and health and safety management. Moreover, we make sure that these improvements continue year in, year out.

We specialize in training in the management system of the organization to develop skill and knowledge of the staffs through awareness training and internal auditor training for:

ISO Training

• QMS(ISO 9001:2015)- Includes One Day of Awareness Training and Two Day’s of Internal Auditor Training.
• EMS(ISO 1400:2015) & EnMS(ISO 50001:2018)- Includes One Day of Awareness Training and Two Day’s of Internal Auditor Training.
• OHSMS(ISO 45001:2018)- Includes One Day of Awareness Training and Two Day’s of Internal Auditor Training.
• ISMS(ISO 27001:2013)- Includes One Day of Awareness Training and Two Day’s of Internal Auditor Training.

ISO 17025:2017- Any laboratory or calibration body wants to perform their operation in a consistent, competent, and impartial manner in order to achieve accreditation from the relevant accreditation body in their region/country- THIRD EYE Can support them through awareness training, gap assessment, internal audit and capacity building program.

THIRD EYE also Provides customized training services like-

Training on Electrical Safety Aspect

-Training on Electrical Safety Aspect
-Training on Fire Safety Aspect
-Training on Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
-Training on Chemical Management

Lead Implementer(LI) Training on ISO 27001:2013 with the IT and Cyber Security Team of Pubali Bank

THIRD EYE also provides customized audits, internal audits, and buyer COC audits to assess the loopholes in advance so that the organization can stay always in a better position. Watch the video at the link below: